They should imbibe Virtues of politeness kindness, nobility, integrity, honesty and truthfulness in their behavior both in school and at home. They should make strong endeavor to attain physical, mental, moral and spiritual growth.
They should always be friendly in the school and outside. They should respect the freedom and right of others, avoid vulgarity in talk and behavior. They should accept whatever work’s assigned to them as they rightful share and face difficulties courageously.
They should observe personal cleanliness, develop a cosmopolitan outlook and keep the school premises neat and clean. They should wish when any teacher or visitors comes to talk to them. They should lend a helping hand at home to parents, brothers and sisters andin school to their teachers, school fellows and to all those who need their help.
Instead of lamenting and grumbling about evils of the world, they should try to contribute their best in making it a better place to live in. They should report to the school authorities of any damage in the classroom on to school property.
They should take pride in wearing school uniform and should always be clean and tidy. Boys should have a regular hair cut. The girls should wear white bandor ribbon.
Develop punchuality in reaching school at least 10 minutes before the school timings
Maintain regularity for your development but in case of absence the student must bring leave application in an envelope signed by their parents that will be counter signed by the principal nd handed over to the class teacher.
Silence must be observed in the school during class hours. There should not be any noise at the change of periods. All official communication with staff and management must be made through the reception.
They should note down home work and school instruction in school diary neatly
They should show the diary to the parents daily.